Length Conversion

As not used by NASA*

* In 1999 NASA lost a Mars orbiter because Lockheed Martin used feet and inches while NASA used metric

All of these conversions depend on one crucial factor - the number of centimetres to the inch.

This is quoted as being anywhere from 2.539996 to 2.5414252 but is usually given as

You can alter this if you wish. It will not reset until you reload from our server

  Decimal Whole   Decimal
Miles Kilometres
Yards Metres
Feet Centimetres
Inches Millimetres


Example 1: Input 1.5 miles at the top of the first column and study the results carefully to see how it works

Example 2: Press Reset and then input 254 millimetres at the bottom of the last column (use mouse to point)

Example 3: Press Reset. In the second column input 7 miles, 803 yards, 1 foot and 1 inch (almost exactly 12 Kilometers)

Example 4: Press Reset. In the second column and enter 1 mile and 5280 yards. You will see it is 4 miles!

Example 5: Press Reset. Enter 1.5 miles in the second column!